LSE MY457: Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Studies

Course Website for Winter Term 2024

Main course repo

Moodle page


Office hour may be booked via LSE’s StudentHub. If you have questions or concerns about class material, problem sets, or the exam, please use the class forum on Moodle. We will not reply to emails about the course material, but we will reply promptly to questions posted on the forum. Of course, if you questions or concerns are of a private or personal nature, please do email or attend office hours.

Readings and textbooks

There is a reasonable amount of reading for this class, especially in the early weeks. You are strongly encouraged to do the reading before class, paying close attention to details (i.e., do not skim over equations). In addition to some key articles, throughout the term we will dip into three main textbooks, which we will refer to by their acronyms:

If you are particularly interested in the course material, there will be additional readings set from the following textbooks (as well as a few articles):

Note: if you are particularly interested in graphical models and their application to causal inference, it is strongly recommended that you do all the readings from either CMRI or CISAP. CMRI is extremely technical and dense, while CISAP is a gentler (though not that gentle) introduction to some of the basics introduced in CMRI. If there are suggested readings from both books, you should choose either, not both.

Formative problem sets

Statistics is best learned by doing. Formative problem sets will be released every two weeks at 5pm, after seminar. You must submit one week later at 5pm, on Moodle. Your submission should be written in RMarkdown, and must be a knitted .pdf, formatted as shown in this problem set template. If you do not follow the formatting requirements your problem set will not be marked. Comments will be returned via Moodle within two weeks of submission.

  Type Release date Due date
1 Formative problem set 1 25 January 2023 - 5pm 1 February 2023 - 5pm
2 Formative problem set 2 8 February 2023 - 5pm 15 February 2023 - 5pm
3 Formative problem set 3 29 February 2023 - 5pm 7 March 2023 - 5pm
4 Formative problem set 4 14 March 2023 - 5pm 21 March 2023 - 5pm
5 Formative problem set 5 28 March 2023 - 5pm 4 April 2023 - 5pm
Week Topic
1 Causal Frameworks
2 Randomization
3 Selection on Observables 1
4 Selection on Observables 2
5 Selection on Observables 3
6 Reading week
7 Difference-in-Differences 1
8 Difference-in-Differences 2
9 Instrumental Variables 1
10 Instrumental Variables 2
11 Regression Discontinuity
Week Topic
2 Causality and Randomization
4 Selection on Observables
7 Difference-in-Differences
9 Instrumental Variables
11 Regression Discontinuity

Detailed course schedule

Note: Links to slides and code will be updated/added in advance of each week’s teaching.

1. Causal Frameworks

This week begins with an introduction to the class, both substantively and administratively.

We then introduce the potential outcomes framework, which will provide the technical foundations that are used throughout the rest of the class. We will also briefly introduce the graphical approach to causal inference.

Additional readings

2. Randomization

This week we will introduce the concept of randomization and its value for causal inference. We will discuss, at a high level, design, analysis, and inference in randomized experiments.

Seminar: Causality and Randomization
Additional readings
Problem Set 1

3. Selection on Observables 1

This week we will depart from the safe shores of randomization, into the dangerous waters of observational research design. We will begin with a theoretical exploration of the selection on observables design – its assumptions and identification results – using both potential outcomes and graphical theory.

We will then begin an extended discussion (which will continue next week and the week after) of estimation of causal estimands in this setting, focusing first on subclassification. Update: Please note that we did not cover subclassification in the lectures. You can still read the slides to see how it works, but it will not be examinable this year.

Additional readings

4. Selection on Observables 2

This week we will consider the three core estimation strategies for selection-on-observables designs: matching (including propensity scores), weighting, and regression.

Seminar: Selection on Observables
Additional readings
Problem Set 2

5. Selection on Observables 3

This week we will consider partial identification and sensitivity analysis.

Additional readings

6. Reading Week

7. Difference-in-Differences 1

We now introduce situations in which a treatment is rolled out such that we have variation over two dimensions: time and units. Instead of relying on conditional ignorability in treatment assignment between units, we will now rely on assumptions about trends over time. In week 1 we will focus almost exclusively on canonical cases in which we have only two time-periods and two treatment groups of units. We will close by briefly considering falsification tests in situations with two pre-treatment periods.

Seminar: Difference-in-Differences
Additional readings
Problem Set 3

8. Difference-in-Differences 2

Continuing with difference-in-differences, in week 2 we broaden our focus to cases with more than 2 time periods. We will discuss first the two-way fixed effects estimator that has been a dominant tool for estimating ‘generalised difference-in-differences’ and then explore the implied assumptions in this approach and its weaknesses, specifically staggered and non-saturating treatments, and heterogeneous treatment effects. We introduce alternative ‘modern’ estimators that are robust to these settings.

Additional readings

9. Instrumental Variables 1

We now move onto a new research design: instrumental variables (IV). In week 1 we introduce the basic architecture of modern IV, learn about the various assumptions needed to admit a causal interpretation, and explore some of the weaknesses and fragilities of the approach.

Additional readings
Seminar: Instrumental Variables
Problem Set 4

10. Instrumental Variables 2

Extending our investigation of IV designs, we focus today on the interpertation and estimation of continuous IV settings, shift-share (Bartik) instruments, and examiner designs.

Additional readings

11. Regression Discontinuity

We wrap up our tour of causal inference with a deep dive into regression discontinuity designs. We cover both sharp and fuzzy RDDs.

Additional readings
Seminar: Regression Discontinuity
Problem Set 5